Company Search |
Locating a company in Slovakia |
Contact Information
from Company Name $50 |
Are you looking for a
specific Slovak company?
Send us the company's name and we will locate it for you and provide its address and
telephone and/or fax numbers. |
Locating Product
Manufacturer $80 |
Are you looking for manufacturers of
specific products in Slovakia?
Specify a product and we will locate up to three manufacturers of the product. We will
send you their names, addresses and telephone and/or fax numbers. |
Locating Service
Provider $80 |
Are you looking for providers of
specific services in Slovakia?
Specify a service and we will locate up to three providers of the service. We will send
you their names, addresses and telephone and/or fax numbers. |
Company Information
from Company Name $70 |
Do you need information about specific
companies in Slovakia?
Send us the name of the company and we will provide you with its contact information, the
names of representatives, and other available information. |